Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Computer Models-

I hope they speak for them selves

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Model Nearing Completion

Heres how it all looks with the panels in, the glass in, and the walls, roof and floor in... just waiting to complete the corners.

This may suprise you but it didnt take as long as first expected. Dont get me wrong, 1500 pieces wasnt exactly a walk in the park, but it came together without too many dramas.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stairs and Ramp

In keeping with the modular squares, we have come up with this stair and ramp layout.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Desk Fly Around

more or less testing out the video options for our final video...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Student Desk and Storage Unit

Here are a few colour options for the modular desks.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Laser Cutting

over 1500 pieces...
is it too late to try another design?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Square Form

We stuck with the panel system within the lattice framework, but simplified the panels into a square. This square is broken up into quaters to then the centre is pulled out to form a pyramid.
Here we can gain full control of the 4 facades and roof by altering the panels that go into the frame work, thus making it as verstatile as possible.
One issue we encountered was how to turn the corner, and like all buildings, the how you turn the corner makes or breaks the idea. Here we have gone with a 'folded in' solution where the corners of the structural frame are mitred to 45 degrees and the panels fold in to the space created between.
We are certainly on the right track to coming up with an interesting solution. The laser cutter will be used for the intricate pieces. Cant wait to see how it looks in three dimensions.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Hexangonal Form

The idea for our portable classroom was concieved and born pretty much on the same day...we had quite an issue with the fact that it needed to be sited both ways depending on which side of a path it would be going on, thus we needed a system that could be reversed if need be. Thus the panelised system seemed to be the right way to go. The structural frame would be the same but its the modular panels within the frame that could be moved to suit the site condition. Each of these panels would have different units in them, PV cell, glass, insulated timber, steel etc, thus the classroom could be completely versatile.