Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Project 1- 'Mod 5' re-design

It was always abundantly clear to me when i spend 5 days a week for 45 odd weeks of the year in a 'portable' at primary school that I got ripped off compared to those that had one of the built in class rooms. The 'portable' was hot in summer and cold in winter, they were either too dark or too light, you could always hear what was going on in the other attached portable and they had inadequate space for the kids as well as for books, bags etc, not to mention the fact that they are more ugly than a robbers dog. Why have we got it wrong for so long?

So now that i think i have established the need for something new, what are the options? What is going to be versatile, portable, adaptable, environmentally friendly, self sufficient and aesthetically pleasing?

Adaptable architecture is able to be constructed in three ways:
-Assembly-where all parts are delivered to site and they are put together onsite
-Panel-walls, roofs, floors are manufactured as units and are taken onto site and are put together there.
-Modules- complete sections of a building are manufactured off site and are taken onsite where there may only be one module, or many modules (this is the Mod 5 way of doing things)

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